The Bison Build It Back Project (Part 2)
Some Things are Meant to Stay the Same.
Some Things are Meant to Stay the Same.
The Bison Build It Back Project is dedicated to bringing the "old school" traditions back from the brink of no-man's land. The Present Day has no tradition. Period. It is a mix of simply ... "do whatever you like ... for whatever reason." We dismiss this approach to living and believe it breeds disaster because there is no direction. Therefore, its time to make a push to bring back some of the "once ways." Not all of them, because not all of them were good. But some of them? Yep! This is what this project is about.
What is the Bison?
The "Bison" is a fictitious Hero dedicated to protecting all things that are good and positive in the United States by addressing the countries most pressing issues, head on. For thousands of years, Bison frequented the North American countryside grazing. They are known for having a very peculiar instinct: When a storm approaches, they charge directly into the it instead of running away, which is the behavior of their close relatives, cows. The bison do this because they instinctively know that heading into the storm will get them out of the weather quicker. This animals’ behavior has often been used as a metaphor for how to deal with challenges in life. The idea is that by facing a challenge head on, you can limit the amount of time you spend in it and minimize the pain and frustration you experience. This is how our Hero ... the Bison ... addresses challenges.
What is the Goal?
Our goal is to fix the problem. Our approach is to take an aggressive stance on awareness. We are doing this by acknowledging that everything that matters to people runs "downstream" from culture. Culture is first. Culture is King. Therefore, in order to reach the masses, you have to send a cultural message. You are welcome to assist us!
It is important to address cultural challenges because it is too late to fix them once they evolve in to safety or legal problems. Once these problems become large enough they become targets for enemies of the United States. And if our enemies can use these problems well enough, they can set up a dynamic inside our country where by they can invade without worrying about a single person fighting them once they get here.
Keep one thing in mind: if we are ever invaded by a foreign military force who reaches our soil and starts shooting at us in our own country ... I suspect that you are going to immediately stop complaining about all the things that mattered to you the day before the invasion started. All of a sudden, in a matter of mere seconds: it won't matter that a person has a different skin color than you and therefore has a different opinion about something ... it won't matter that a cop who supposedly didn't do his job properly didn't receive the proper discipline from the police department ... it won't matter that an educator supposedly steered some kids down the wrong path while they were in his or her classroom. None of this will matter.
Many people glorify "the fight" or the "resistance" like defying your own country is some kind of cool trend of a fad. But trust me ... when war comes to your door step ... you won't like it no matter which side you are on.
Civil War (Trailer):
Instead, you will PRAY TO GOD that any one of these individuals instantly forget about all of the differences of opinions that you all have, pick up a gun, and start shooting at the same people you are shooting at.
All you will want for Christmas in that the foreigners are dealt with. And you would willingly fight alongside anybody and everybody who will fight along side you to help protect the country from a common enemy. You'll be grabbing the first thing in sight to try to stop them ... and you won't care whether the person fighting next to you agrees with you or looks like you. Be it a different skin color, a police badge, or even an ankle bracelet attached to their ankle (because they just got out of jail)? It WON'T matter.
In 5 seconds flat, all Americans will be best buds, instantly. And all of us would start working together to repel a common enemy. Why? Because no American who is living here in America wants to be forced to speak Chinese, Russian, or Korean in their own country!
Cultural toxicity can lead to a lot of bad things. The best approach to preventing it is to avoid it. There were fewer societal challenges a few decades ago. Every one agrees with this statement. Therefore, we should all move things back to the Old School instead of simply accepting a new "status quo" and then wondering why everything is so 'effed up. Read on. And enjoy the ideas.
The original computer was easy to use and simple to understand. All computers back then came with a printed manual. They also came with a reference manual, so, you could refer back to that book for commands and other needed info after you learned how to use the computer.
Original software came on floppy disks and later on CDs. And all of the software came with a manual and a reference manual. Learning was not online, back then. And this made it easier to take the book with you to the library or study something about the software over dinner.
The original cell phone was set up on an analog system. Digital celluar technology had not yet been invented. Analog signals were very strong and the voice quality was high. Also, analog signals can not be intercepted because they are not digital.
The original cell phones were installed in the car, they were not in someone's pocket. These phones were high quality. And because they did not come with you when you left your vehicle, they left people with their freedom from phone calls while out of the car taking care of some business or spending time with friends. You would not check for a phone call until you returned to your car.
We need to bring back Old School Technology.
Old School Banking is a more simple, easier to understand, and less time-consuming way of doing your banking and paying your bills.
Most people who worked a daily job back in the 60s and the 70s could get all of their banking done in one hour on one lunch break during the week. Some of them only had to do this once a month. So, after that one lunch break was sacrificed waiting in line at the bank to cash a check, or at the post office to mail some bills ... that was it. Done. Finished.
There was no online banking. The internet was not needed.
Old School Banking was simple, and simple was all that was needed. Why? Because there was nothing left to do after you cashed your check. You left some in the bank so you could write your checks and mail them off to pay your bills. And some of it you withdrew out of the bank and put it in your pocket so you could give a few bucks to your kids, go out to eat once or twice before your next paycheck, and maybe buy some groceries. That was it. Banking simple. Banking done.
So what did people in the Simple Banking days do on the weekends? Would they log on to their cell phone banking app and check their account balance? Nope. They went to the park. They took their kids to the soccer game. They went to a movie. They went on a date. Or they bought some groceries and cooked a nice home-cooked meal. Maybe they took a day trip with the kids and visit their parents.
One thing that people didn't do back in the "olden days" is check their bank account balance, online. Why? Because after they mailed their checks, what else was going to come out of their account? Nothing. No auto-payments; no debit card transactions; no charge-backs. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Debit cards don't exist, remember? So, they'd just sit back and watch cartoons with the kids on Saturday morning.
Old School Lending was simple and straight-forward. You had a term, an interest rate, and a maturity date. The monthly mortgage payment was the same every month. And you knew what it was. You also knew when it ended.
Nowadays? You have interest-only loans, balloon payments, PMI payments, and a whole host of other things that have been "tacked" on to the traditional loan. It's no wonder that there is nothing but confusion with today's home owners or others who wish to purchase a home.
One of the reasons why the 60s and the 70s produced wealth in the United States was because lending products were straight-forward, simple, and easy to understand. (Income and paychecks were also more straight-forward and simple.)
Let's bring back Old School Banking and Lending. Let's Make America Simple Again. Make things simple and easy to understand again. There was enough money to go around, back then. There was enough time to go around, back then. Banks had enough. People had enough. Enough is enough.
Old School Conservative Consumerism is consumer spending that was done less often. It was also less neurotic, less impulsive, and more straight-forward. Remember, there were no cell phones, internet, or social media. So, how were any of the companies going to "flash flood" somebody's "eye balls" with ads when there wasn't even a cell phone or the internet? They COULDN'T! This is why Old School Conservative Consumerism was consumerism that was easy for the consumer to handle.
Old School Conservative Consumerism was done out of necessity ... not because of obsessive compulsive behavior. Sometimes consumers made purchases for a modest instance of joy or pleasure. Or they purchased a gift for a friend or a vacation for the family. But back then consumerism was never hap-hazard or neurotic. Excesses were often non-existent because people didn't try so hard to "keep up with the Jones." Back then? The internet didn't exist; the TV broadcast signal would actually turned itself off after 9pm or 10pm at night, and would not come back on until the next morning. People read the newspaper for their news. So under these circumstances how would it be possible to make people neurotic? It wouldn't.
Old School Conservative Consumerism was based in service to others, not self-service. For example, a consumer would buy a gift for a friend because they knew it would make their friend happy, not because it would make them happy. Or, they may buy a vacation package for the family, but only because they knew it would make everybody in the family happy ... they obviously were not going to take the vacation alone.
Conservative Consumerism was and still should be a cornerstone of the American spending experience. Why? Because it supports the economy while also not over-heating it. You see, runaway spending heats the economy up. And, yes, stock prices do go up. But in the end, they come right back down ... and fall like a rock when they do. Then, people get laid off and businesses close.
Conservative Consumerism is a better idea than compulsive spending because this approach does not threaten a person's savings. In actually, conservative spending serves to bolster the economy. How? Well, if people have savings in tact and are ready for a "rainy day" ... they will be able to spend immediately during an emergency. They can fix an unexpected problem and avoid creating a "domino effect" that wrecks havoc on their financial well-being.
For example, let's say a teenager's car is suddenly towed? The parents can spend the money to retrieve it from the tow yard. Or, let's say a Junior High School kid has their bicycle stolen shortly before their big "bicycle championship"? The parents can spring in to action and quickly buy another one.
These kinds of actions are only possible if a family maintains a savings plan and maintains a savings account.
Let's bring back Old School Conservative Consumerism. Let's Make America Simple Again. Make things simple and easy to understand again. There was enough money to go around, back then. There was enough time to go around, back then. Banks had enough. People had enough. Enough is enough.
Old School Medicine used to be simple. Straight-forward. And in some third-world countries, it still is. You had some ache or discomfort? You told your mom or your grandmother. They said "Go out there and get one of them leaves off that [whatchamacallit] tree, put those leaves in a pot, heat 'em up, and then rub 'em all over your body." After she said this, a youngster might not even understand why they had to go through all of that. But, after they did, they felt better. Our elders knew things.
Many of our elders knew of remedies and resolutions to sickness that were either free or easy to administer. Many of these remedies are natural and available out in nature.
We need to start promoting these remedies more and using them to introduce more and more people to ways to solve their medical problems without having to spend on medical care.
The medical industry should promote the people who are taking responsibility for their own health issues and choosing to use some natural remedies instead of burdening the healthcare industry with subsidizing a dose of medicine for them.
It is a burden to keep providing every one with paid-for-by-the-government solutions to problems when there might be free solutions to those problems. Therefore, educating people about how to resolve some of their medical problems with natural or free remedies would get society one step closer to being able to take care of itself by lowering healthcare costs.
We need to bring back Old School Medicine.
Old School Living is an approach whereby you acknowledge that the goal is to live as independently as possible ... with the least amount of outside assistance.
Old School Living not only promotes independence. It builds confidence. And it increases safety.
Old School Living promotes independence because as people start to live with more independence, they gain more control over their own daily decisions. They become more capable of deciding how to live, what to do, and when to do it.
Old School Living promotes confidence. They feel better about the fact they do not have to turn to someone else for their basic needs. This way of living promotes strength from within ... as a result of a renewed belief in oneself.
Old School Living also increases safety. It does this by promoting independence. Independence enables people to choose those who they allow around them, and exclude others who don't have their best interest at heart. In this manner, safety is increased as the person is able to control the company they keep ... because they have control over their independent living space.
We need to bring back Old School Living.
Old School Policing should be brought back. And when we say this we don't mean Ancient Policing. By Ancient Policing we are referring to the reason why the police were created in the first place ... to find and return runaway slaves to the slave owner. This is obviously a horrible goal for any Modern Day institution to have at its core. So, no we do not support Ancient Policing. We support Old School Policing, as we define it.
Old School Policing should be brought back. Old School Policing ... not Ancient Policing ... was respected. (See the previous section for a description of Ancient Policing, which we do not support.) Old School Police Officers were considered helpful. They protected the neighborhood.
The police used to know who lived in the community. They used to know who had kids at home while the parents worked at night. They used to know who needed help. And who didn't. And they used to know who in the community they could trust.
Trust needs to be re-established with the police. Bring back Old School Policing.
Politics is nothing like it used to be. Those of us who have been around remember when it wasn't this way. Others who have not yet reached their 50s only know how things are situational, currently. They are more complacent with the way things are. And that is precisely why this project is so important. Those of us who are older have to do something to repair today's more toxic political culture, before time moves on, and every body forgets about how things used to be. Politics has become toxic. And its in need of a detox.
Politics has become toxic, and that is why many young people do not pay attention. The parents? They paid attention. But the younger group? Nope. Why? Because of what they see on TV when they do pay attention. But even though many of us do not pay attention, that doesn't mean we should keep it this way. What politicians do is important; it affects all of us.
In order to understand our politicians better, we should educate ourselves about the challenges they face. We should educate ourselves about how their career affects their personal lives; how their family members are affected; what dangers they face. Once we understand these issues, we can identify the "stressors" that they politicians face and help them reduce them. This will result in their ability to think more freely and act without interference, disturbance, threats to their family, or other efforts at controlling their decisions. Helping politicians govern better is exactly the same as helping ourselves.
In order to understand our politicians better, we should educate ourselves about the challenges they face. We should educate ourselves about how their career affects their personal lives; how their family members are affected; what dangers they face. Once we understand these issues, we can identify the "stressors" that politicians face and help them reduce them. This will result in their ability to think more freely and act without interference, disturbance, threats to their family, or other efforts at controlling their decisions. Helping politicians govern better is exactly the same as helping ourselves.
In order to understand our politicians better, we should educate ourselves about the challenges they face. We should educate ourselves about how their career affects their personal lives; how their family members are affected; what dangers they face. Once we understand these issues, we can identify the "stressors" that politicians face and help them reduce them. This will result in their ability to think more freely and act without interference, disturbance, threats to their family, or other efforts at controlling their decisions. Helping politicians govern better is exactly the same as helping ourselves.
Pay attention to what is happening with our enemies overseas. Do not just pay attention to what is on the news INSIDE the United States. That is not a complete picture of everything that is occurring that It a concern to the United States. Do your own research and stay up-to-date on things like the Anti-American League, the World Health Organization, and any other phenomena that may threaten our country.
This video is an example of raising awareness for positive politics. This video is a remake of Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll." This song was played during an iconic moment in the 1983 famous movie: Risky Business. It is a classic Rock and Roll song and in this video the lyrics have been changed to talk about "Classic" politics and how things were much more civilized between politicians, back then. We need to do every thing we can to bring that back. (Note: I do not own the rights to the instrumentals in this song.)
This video is an example of raising awareness for positive politics by writing a "cover" wishing that Mitch McConnel "get well soon" after he had been in the hospital back in March of 2023. This video is a remake of Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll" with "Get Well Mitch" twist to the lyrics. "Old Time Rock and Roll" was played during an iconic moment in the 1983 famous movie: Risky Business. It is a classic Rock and Roll song and in this video the lyrics have been changed to talk about "Classic" politics and how things were much more civilized between politicians, back then. We need to do every thing we can to bring that back. (Note: I do not own the rights to the instrumentals in this song.)
We need to bring back Old School Politics.
Why is it important to bring back the Old School? It is important because the Old School approach provided us with what we needed without exposing us to undo anxiety, control, or manipulation. The bottom line is that these Old School approaches better promoted humanity; it didn't threaten it.
Bringing back the Old School is not just something that should be done because it is "trendy." It is something that should be done because it would result in a safer country. It would also result in better protected families and fewer people at risk of dying in a war.
In the end, just keep one thing in mind:
People are Just People.
Love is King.
Everybody is Family.
We Are Tribe USA.
Once these Old School approaches have been successfully implemented, they need to be monitored.
Why do these approaches need to be monitored? For two reasons:
(1) To ensure that these approaches stay the way they are implemented and not ever changed and turned into something negative, and
(2) To capture factual statistics about reductions in societal problems like crime and alcoholism that come as a direct result of the implementation of these Old School approaches.
Constant monitoring can be done by setting up a commission that can use the latest advancements in analysis to query data across the country, build up proxies, calculate measures, and produce monitoring reports on the results. In this way, the United States of American can be the first country to monitor the health of its own country in a day-to-day live-feed manner.
If this approach is successful, the result is for the first time in the history of the United States ... there will at last be an "early warning system" that the country can use to figure out if danger is on the horizon in terms of social unrest, crime, poor health, and a host of other indicators.
Furthermore, the enemies of this country know full-well that the key to winning a future war is to poison the inside of the country in the present, beforehand. An early warning system such as the one described here would serve as a way to warn the citizens of this country ahead-of-time as to the dangers that may start to form when increases is social problems start to occur. Such a public monitoring system could enable private citizens to keep an eye on an issue, and take action when a problematic trend starts to develop. This would result in:
(1) mitigation of the risk of the problem growing larger and becoming harder to handle; and
(2) mitigation of the risk of the problem attracting attention from our country's enemies who would see it as an opportunity to "fan the flames" and make the problem even worse.
In closing, we need to take this seriously. Monitoring the survival of Old School approaches is not just a "trend" ... it is a "weapon" against our enemies. A weapon that could prevent "slow-moving activities" designed to bring about "slow-moving erosion" of our values, morals, integrity, and togetherness.
With constant monitoring, we ensure:
People Remain Just People.
Love Remains King.
Everybody Remains as One Family.
The intended message of this entire effort should be loud and clear:
We are Tribe USA ... Don't F**k With Us.
Bison Build It Back Project
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While our corporate office is not normally open to the public, we are available to meet at our corporate office when appointments are scheduled in advance.
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